Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine's Day

Strawberries 4 different ways.
Fresh strawberries puree mixed with cow milk and kefir goat milk. Oven dried strawberry and strawberry mixed with sugar and mint.
The strawberry bubbles are made with the following recipe:

1000 grams water
100 grams fresh strawberries
1 gram xantham gum
100 grams sugar
20 grams egg white powder
0.5 grams salt

Puree the strawberries and water till smooth.
Mix the remaining dry ingredients together and add to the strawberry mixture with a wisk. Let sit for 1 hour and wisk again.
Strain the mixture.
When ready to use froth with a stick blender and let sit for 1 minute to let the bubbles settle.
Spoon the bubbbles off the top.  

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